Hello everyone - I had conducted the 6th Annual COEP Open Quiz - Chakravyuuh. Here are a few questions. Please leave answers in comments.
Here goes..
1. ‘Achilles and the tortoise’ is the most famous one, which says:
"In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead."
Other famous ones include:
"That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal.”
"If everything when it occupies an equal space is at rest, and if that which is in locomotion is always occupying such a space at any moment, the flying arrow is therefore motionless."
Zeno's (or Xeno) Paradoxes
2.X is a famous character, which is allegedly based on Y, though this claim is vehemently denied. Y had an arrangement with bandleader Tommy Dorsey, due to which Dorsey owned virtually owned 43% of Y, for life. Allegedly Y strong-armed his way out of this contract, with the alleged involvement of Y’s mentor Willie Moretti. This incident is one of the major points of similarity between X and Y.
X- Johnny Fontaine, Y - Frank Sinatra
3.The poet-editor William Cullen Bryant and the landscape architect Andrew Jackson Downing were increasingly worried about the problems engulfing their city. Hence they made a request, which gained widespread support. To actuate their plans the architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux were from 33 submitted in competition for a $2,000 prize. What resulted?
Central Park in New York
4.The Coriolis effect is an apparent deflection of a moving object in a rotating frame of reference and is named after Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, a French scientist. A famous application of this effect is X. X was the first dynamic proof for the rotation of the earth (aberration of starlight, stellar parallax etc. being the ones before) in an easy-to-see experiment, thereby creating a justifiable consensus in the everyday world.
Focault's Pendulum
5.Her first name comes from the Latin for ______ , and it probably represents absent-mindedness and unconventional patterns of thought, since in ancient times the ____ was thought to induce insanity in people. Her second name is the combination of ____ and ______, two extremely positive words, which somehow seem a bit amiss to describe her. Another theory is that she gets her last name from Elliot _____ Grant Watson, who wrote numerous books highlighting the insufficiencies of Darwinism.
Name the character.
Luna Lovegood
6.Though the French alphabet uses the same characters as English, their individual
pronunciations are often different. So the letter R is pronounced with a distinct ‘e’ mixed with the ‘r’. Also the letter ‘g’ sounds a lot like the letter ‘j’ in English. What is the significance?
This is how Georges Remi(RG) became Hergé.
7.Around the turn of the century, seven brothers of the ________ family immigrated to California from Italy. Working together, they made strides in aviation by inventing the first enclosed cabin monoplane. Later around the 1956 one of the younger members of the family, 8yr old Kenneth _______ developed an arthritis problem. So they came up with an innovative therapy pump to help relieve his pain. This son realized the product’s potential and it has since gone on to become this company’s flagship product. What company?
8.Complete this definition proposed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu:
A person with ________ is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.
9.It is common practice for partner companies of Unix to name their companies so that they indicate an alliance. One such company was a particular German company (insignificant), which was sued by The Albert _____ Corporation for copyright infringement. What seemed to be the problem?
Blank is Rene, All these companies used the -ix suffix, thereby upsetting the creators of Asterix.
· A county in Scotland, birthplace of Sir George Murray.
· Robert _________, 4th earl of Buckinghamshire.
· Lord Thomas Townshend _______, a former Home Secretary.
· A former PM and close confidante of Queen Victoria in her early years.
· Consort of the British king William IV.
· Baronet Sir Thomas Makdougall _________, soldier and astronomical observer.
· 4th placeholder in BBC's list of 100 Great Britons
All cities in Australia.(Perth, Hobart, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Darwin)
11.Fill blanks.
MIKE: Who has an itch to be filthy rich?
LIZ: Who gives a hoot for a lot of loot?
MIKE: who longs to live A life of perfect ease?
LIZ: And be swamped by necessary luxuries?
MIKE: _____________________
LIZ: I don't.
BOTH: And I don't 'Cause all I want is you.
Who want's to be a millionaire
12.It was primarily formed as a Sikh suicide squad to rebel against the Mughals in late 17th century. The members were also called as 'nihangs'( persian for crocodiles- a name first used by the Mughals for their own suicide squads), and wore a distinctive blue uniform. What?
The Akali Dal
13.He is considered to be one of the early proponents of a scientific approach to agriculture. He helped transform agricultural practices by inventing or improving numerous implements, the most notable being the seed drill, which he invented in 1701. He advocated using horses instead of oxen, invented a horse-drawn hoe for clearing weeds, and made changes to the design of the plough which are still visible in modern versions.
Jethro Tull
14.Joseph-Ignace _______ , was a French doctor and member of the National Assembly. He was unhappy with the way something was done, and wanted to introduce precision, accuracy and elimination of human errors/intervention. Hence he invented the ______ , though contrary to his wishes, the human element still remained.
15.Rain Ruler and CODA are two programs to do something. CODA is the one that is officially used and is not available in public domain. The other however is a copy of this technique and is available for free distribution. What do these programs do?
Calculate scores by the Duckworth-Lewis method.
16.Advertisement for what ?
" illeniu "
it just isn't complete without ____________

The Scarlet Pimpernel
18.Its ironic that most people can't identify this person in this form. Here he is playing 'Uncle Fester' in the Adams Family TV series in the mid 50s. Who ?

Jackie Coogan (The Kid)
19. What ?

The Spread of the Great Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
20. Few lines from a print ad: Fill in the blank.
Kaun Hai Yeh ___________?
_______ saw you flirting with the new girl in marketing.
______ knows you play Solitaire on the computer.
______ put a firewall on your Yahoo messenger.
______ could be standing right behind you and watching you read this.
Hari Sadu
Raghavan Sarthy - 10
Amit Pandey - 3
George Thomas - 12
Ajay, Chris, Kanishka and Sangita - 8
bongopundit - 12.5
vijay kurhade - 4
Shreekanth Reddy - 17
Ravi Handa- 13
Ramesh Shananth - 3
Suraj - 6
Varun - 2
(Also a multitude of anonymous answers, which have been published in the comments section.)