Friday, January 20, 2006

Bill Bryson Redux

My cousin, Hrishi who lives in Sydney, has taken a sabbatical from work and is currently touring all the parts of India - and better still, blogging at Karma Generation.

So from Rameshwaram to Kashmir to Darjeeling he will be doing it all. Armed with his Lonely Planet India and new Canon IXUS 55 he will be doing a scratching exercise across the sands and the snowcaps. He'll have, I'm sure, interesting economic fundaes, fresh Aussie takes on life and of course - some amazing examples of his march towards photographic excellence.

But remember, he's an Aussie-Indian and you must spare him, if he sees this movie, twice.


Hrishi said...

Thanks for that frightfully err...glowing endorsement, Abhishek.

I may wish to correct you on some points:
1. The camera is this:

2. While I have already acknowledged myself to be an incultured NRI swine, who can ever resist the sight of Priety and Saif going at it?

Anyways, thanks for the link...hopefully the dribble I produce may continually whet (get it? ok, so its sad...sue me!) your bib...


Abhishek said...

changes made, sir - and hope this make you more sincere about writing as much in detail as possible. Recording travels with their now-seeming irrevelant minutae can be extremely rewarding.